
We offer our clients Qeema program for knowledge management within a package of a variety of solutions that help them achieve excellence in the field of work, especially in the era of transformation of the knowledge economy and digital transformation.

This is done by enhancing clients' abilities to manage and invest in the vast information, experience and knowledge that they possess that surround them in a way that increases the efficiency of operations, ensures continuous business development, and achieves sustainable competitive advantage by accelerating the wheel of continuous institutional innovation.

The components of the program include: aligning knowledge management with the institution’s strategy, achieving integration of functional and knowledge roles among the enterprise’s units, defining the specifications of the knowledge management subsystems needed by the enterprise, the detailed design of these systems, supervising its implementation and integrating  into the institution’s structure and creating the environment and institutional culture, then evaluating the performance of these implemented sub-systems to carry out continuous improvement.

The program establishes knowledge management departments or units at the institutions and provides all consulting services that help leaders and managers to successfully implement knowledge management, alongside with professional training services that cover various fields related to improving the institution’s capabilities to manage knowledge successfully.


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