
Dr. Amar Kabashi

Director of the Knowledge Management Program

Dr. Amar Kabashi [PhD (Leeds, UK), MIEEE, AMIET] has acquired a diverse professional exposure through active involvement in telecom industry regulation, research and academia - in Sudan, the Middle East and Europe. His active involvement in the telecom sector has brought him right to the crossroads where operators, vendors, regulators, policy makers and international standardization bodies collaborate to shape the future of ICTs.

During his professional career Dr. Amar has gained a good insight of the ICT sector by undertaking different tasks in spectrum management, universal access/service planning, QoS regulation, interconnection and telecom market assessment.  His multi-disciplinary expertise enabled him to adopt a holistic knowledge-management-driven consultancy approach that helps firms retain organizational excellence and sustain competitive advantage through streamlined organizational innovation.

Dr. Amar has participated in a number of research and professional projects and collaborated with a number of international partners including CNS/I3S (Leeds, UK), EPSRC (UK), MSCRC (Bradford, UK), ICL (London, UK), UoN (Nairobi, Kenya), Ericsson (UK), Motorolla (UK), LKL (London, UK), IIT-TVU (London,

UK), WCRG (CEL-UQU, KSA) and NTC (Sudan).

Core Qualifications:

·      Ph.D. in Electronic & Electrical Engineering (wireless communication systems & networks), University of Leeds, UK, January 2012.

·      M.Sc. (Distinction- top of class & highest record in program) in Modern Digital & RF Wireless Communications, University of Leeds, UK, November 2007.

·      B.Sc. (1st Class Honours) in Electrical Engineering (Electronics & Communications), University of Khartoum, Sudan, November 2003.